Prime and Chrome

Homepage of the PRIME websiteHomepage of the Chrome websiteThe PRIME Project was a collaboration between patients, carers, researchers and service providers who wanted to improve our understanding of ME/CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). This website provides access to a database of PRIME research material for use by people living with ME/CFS, and those that care for and treat them.

I started work on this website in 2005 and it launched in April 2006. This was another very interesting information science project.  It basically provides access a database of information on ME/CFS, including anonoymised interview extracts. These extracts are great way of understanding what it means to live with this condition. I am delighted to have been a part of such an interesting project - these are then sort of projects where I get the definite feeling that the work I am doing is of benefit to others.

About a year later we also launched the CHROME website whose data we also incorporated into the PRIME database.

Launch date: 30th April 2006

