Oxford Cancer Information

Homepage of CancerLinks (formerly Oxford Cancer Information)Oxford Cancer Information was a site containing local and national information about cancer.  It has been built by patients and professionals who have selected reliable sites to help you start your Internet search. Minervation created the site in conjunction with Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust.

Due to the success of this site a number of other NHS Trusts built local sites for their area using the OCI site. The site was thus CancerLinks in 2009. Finally in summer 2011 Maggies Cancer Caring Centres started funding the site and has taken over management of the content. Thus the site was rebranded in late 2011.

This site is another created by Minervation that contains high quality information and links to appraised content. I am always very pleased to be a part of projects such as these.

Launch date: 20th August 2007

